From 12th January 2024, our governing body, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons – RCVS, introduced new guidelines on prescribing prescription medications.
Under the new regulations, a physical examination with a vet is now required for us to be able to dispense flea and worm products. If these medications are not being dispensed or approved during a regular vaccination or health check-up, an appointment would need to be booked before any further medication can be dispensed. Once your pet has been seen, and specifically approved, flea and worming medication can be dispensed for a further 12 months use, after which time another check up with a vet would be required.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, but we are required to comply with the new regulations.
If you wish, you can feedback any concerns you have regarding these regulations, could we request that you to do this directly to the RCVS at or call 0207 202 0789.
Thank you for your understanding.
When it comes to fleas, PREVENTION is always better than cure.
Fleas are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of mammals making them an external parasite. Your pet can become infected through close contact with other animals or wildlife such as hedgehogs and from being in infested environments. They have an intricate life cycle which is imperative in constructing an effective flea prevention program in each individual case.
Checking for fleas
Often live adult fleas may not be visible in your pets coat as most reside in the environment and only jump on an animal in order to feed. In this instance the best marker to look for is evidence of flea faeces which present as
black flecks in the coat and when transferred to wet tissue paper turn blood red in colour. If you are at all unsure our nurses are happy to provide free flea checks.
There are a range of prescription strength products to provide safe and 100% effective flea control and prevention. We stock a variety of preparations to be able to recommend the optimal product for your individual case.
Flea allergic dermatitis (FAD) - A common cause of itching in dogs and cats is FAD, it can present as an increase in itching with red, scabby skin sometimes with some hair loss. It is caused by an allergy to flea saliva often as a result of a chronic low level infestation. It is easily treated with a thorough and effective flea control protocol and the pet can go on to live a normal life.
Please be aware some shop bought flea products contain ingredients that can be highly toxic, and even fatal, particularly when applied incorrectly to cats.
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